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The English and Scots love each other!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:58 pm
by Reginaldo
Despite all the SNP propaganda, the Scottish diaspora in England get on very well with their workmates and neighbours, I have always found.

And why not?

We look and talk the same, share the same blood in lots of cases, share history, enjoy the same humour and sports like cricket, golf, football ,tennis etc. etc.

I have lived next door, worked with, and been represented politically by Scotsmen (and women), and never experienced resentment between us.

I know Scots people here in Spain, and enjoy their company, and it is reciprocated.

Why do a few miserabe people who have never left Glasgow or Edinburgh have the right to destroy Scotland and weaken The UK?

Why don,t the Scots living in England, Spain, USA, Australia, NZ, S,Africa etc etc have any say in the future relationship of their homeland with England, Wales and Northern Ireland?

Scotland, England, Wales and N Ireland are a unit that works and works pretty well (NI have issues)...what idiots would try to split that unit??

Time for Scots, with or without the vote to speak out!!

Re: The English and Scots love each other!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:25 am
by dider12
There is more people in Scotland than GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH

Re: The English and Scots love each other!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:27 am
by linkwater
It would be ironic if Brexit paved the way for the breakup of the union.

Re: The English and Scots love each other!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:48 pm
by Lawrie15
What an ill informed small minded view of how and English person perceives how we Scots think!
I have many English (and other nationalities) friends, but what does that have to do with Scotland wanting to be independent from being ruled by London?
I live in Spain and I believe that Scotland should be an independent country ( I always have done).
As to 'a few miserable people who have never left Glasgow and Edinburgh', how dare you!
What a condescending attitude to have to people who don't think the way you do.
Everyone has a right to their views, without being belittled by people with your attitude!!
Scots WILL speak and people like you will ensure that Scotland votes for independence.