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Blistering Breakout

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:50 pm
by calamitykay
Hi there,
I was just wondering if there were any members out there who are having the same problem as me at the moment?
For the last few weeks I have been waking up to find that a blister has appeared on my hands or arms or even face or neck! :( It is usually just the one blister but as it heals then another one pops up!!
I went to the Farmacia and the chemist there didn't know what was causing it, she gave me a course of antihistamines to help with the itching but the blisters are still appearing! :(
I looked the symptoms up on Google but as you know, you can self analyse till the cows come home and be certain that you have Bubonic Plague lol!!
My hubby thinks it's connected to a scorpion sting I got at the end of June, but I am skeptical! All I know is that the extreme temperatures of late are certainly not helping at all and have taken to using a frozen hot water bottle on my arm to gain some relief.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be interested to hear them.
I am due to go to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully will have a definite diagnosis then, but I am curious to know if there are others who have suffered this condition.

Re: Blistering Breakout

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:07 pm
by Altos
Hi CK,
There was a person over here on holiday the other week and she had the same thing, she went to doctor and he said it was a tiger muzzy bite so gave her antibiotics and dressed the blisters within 4 days symptoms went .
Hope this helps.
Regards Altos