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Rojales Neighbourhood Watch

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:54 pm
by benji
From Pat Phillips - Rojales Neighbourhood Watch

Thanks to Marilyn for this report of an attempted break-in.
"Just to inform you there was an attempted breakin at our neighbours house in Calle Rio Mundo, Rojales Hills 13 last night between 8pm to 10pm. Large pieces of wood was used which distorted the side door grille, and a window grille at the rear of the property. Fortunately the grilles held and they didn't gain entry. "

Thanks to Judi for passing on this information about 3 separate incidents.
The first is about a break in on Rio Veral Rojales Hills VII.
"The owner is Spanish and was not living
there and the alarm was not working. The front lounge grille was ripped
off together with surrounding brick work. There is no information about
property taken or what time it occurred. Police were informed and attended.
A neighbour reported having seen a dark blue vehicle with a Moroccan driver in the local area."
The second and third are below
"I have just been informed of two further break ins on Rio Francolin Rojales
Hills VII again. Both properties were ransacked and money taken from one
nothing from the other. I understand that alarms were not on. Nothing was
seen or heard but the police attended at 1 am."

Rojales Hills certainly get their fair share of incidents. This will be brought up at our AGM for discussion with the representative of the Policia Local. There must be a solution for these residents who have to live with this week in week out.
best wishes

Re: Rojales Neighbourhood Watch

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:29 am
Suspious character parked up around the nite club area Bar Bacanal Rojales just sat in car watching for about 2hours yesterday afternoon,keep your gates locked and alarms on,but it seems no deterrent as they come tooled up ..