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Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:45 pm
by marcliff
Don't worry, you are in good company.

The President of the Madrid Region has complained that the government is making people "dizzy" with the constant rule changes. First a covid passport in some places but not in others. Then changing that to make the passport necessary depending on how many people and then changing again.

Then the masks were not effective, then they were. Then they were required in some places but not in others. Now they are required everywhere even in the fresh air. It was only a week ago they said masks were necessary outdoors but are now going to cancel their use in a few days.

People could attend sporting events. Then they couldn't, then only in certain numbers but in different venues. Some sports accepted people but other sports didn't.

Only a year ago, pharmacies were not allowed to sell antigen tests. Now the only place you can purchase them is in pharmacies.

People leaving the country or entering the country have to check on the day of travel what the requirements are. They make covid test essential then change it to only vaccinated and then change again. The vaccine passport is proof you've had the vaccines but then they put a limit on it so you have to employ a maths master to work out when it runs out. And what about if it is in those 270 days when you travel out but not when you travel back?

She said it's been like this for two years. Time for the central government to stop making people dizzy.

I think she could aim those words at governments of many countries, not just the Spanish one.

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:10 pm
by Chrisdee
I thought the dizzyness I was experiencing was too much gin! Oh well, carry on drinking.

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:51 pm
by Floreus
marcliff wrote:Don't worry, you are in good company.

The President of the Madrid Region has complained that the government is making people "dizzy" with the constant rule changes. First a covid passport in some places but not in others. Then changing that to make the passport necessary depending on how many people and then changing again.

Then the masks were not effective, then they were. Then they were required in some places but not in others. Now they are required everywhere even in the fresh air. It was only a week ago they said masks were necessary outdoors but are now going to cancel their use in a few days.

People could attend sporting events. Then they couldn't, then only in certain numbers but in different venues. Some sports accepted people but other sports didn't.

Only a year ago, pharmacies were not allowed to sell antigen tests. Now the only place you can purchase them is in pharmacies.

People leaving the country or entering the country have to check on the day of travel what the requirements are. They make covid test essential then change it to only vaccinated and then change again. The vaccine passport is proof you've had the vaccines but then they put a limit on it so you have to employ a maths master to work out when it runs out. And what about if it is in those 270 days when you travel out but not when you travel back?

She said it's been like this for two years. Time for the central government to stop making people dizzy.

I think she could aim those words at governments of many countries, not just the Spanish one.

Well written ....thank you..

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:42 pm
by Bee
Yep we have all had them. She forgot the quarantine rules, the changing of the trading hours for bars and restaurants, the closing and opening and closing and opening of the night clubs, the numbers allowed at funerals and weddings, church services, you can go for a walk, you can't go for a walk..........and on and on.


Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:28 am
by JCoop
Brilliant Marcliffe, as per usual and so true .

marcliff wrote:Don't worry, you are in good company.

The President of the Madrid Region has complained that the government is making people "dizzy" with the constant rule changes. First a covid passport in some places but not in others. Then changing that to make the passport necessary depending on how many people and then changing again.

Then the masks were not effective, then they were. Then they were required in some places but not in others. Now they are required everywhere even in the fresh air. It was only a week ago they said masks were necessary outdoors but are now going to cancel their use in a few days.

People could attend sporting events. Then they couldn't, then only in certain numbers but in different venues. Some sports accepted people but other sports didn't.

Only a year ago, pharmacies were not allowed to sell antigen tests. Now the only place you can purchase them is in pharmacies.

People leaving the country or entering the country have to check on the day of travel what the requirements are. They make covid test essential then change it to only vaccinated and then change again. The vaccine passport is proof you've had the vaccines but then they put a limit on it so you have to employ a maths master to work out when it runs out. And what about if it is in those 270 days when you travel out but not when you travel back?

She said it's been like this for two years. Time for the central government to stop making people dizzy.

I think she could aim those words at governments of many countries, not just the Spanish one.

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:05 am
by Dot
Thank you marcliff,could I ask you to explain the booster situation please I have been told the paperwork for this only lasts so long so what happens if you want to travel and its out of date.

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:15 am
by marcliff
The booster does not count in the number of days at the moment.
The 270 days (9 months) only happens after the 2nd vaccine (or 1st in the case of Janssen).

Only if you had the 2nd vaccine more than that do you need the booster. There is no time limit (at the moment) from when you had the booster.

Of course, something else that might change as time goes by.

Re: Confused About Covid Restrictions?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:52 am
by Dot
Thank you.