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Nature Quiz

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:52 am
by tonyp
Nature Under the Sea:
1.Which mammal is the largest creature in the sea?
2.Which is the only fish with a prehensile tail?
3.How many appendages does a squid have?
4.Are sea anemones plants or animals?
5.Which fish swallows water or air to turn itself into a spiky ball when threatened?
6.Which European creature travels to the Sargasso sea to have babies?
7.The Sand dollar orgalleta de maroften found on beaches is the remains of which sea creature?8.Which is the largest fish in the world?
9.Which fish is able to use it’s fins like wings?
10.What is the largest invertebrate in the sea?

Re: Nature Quiz

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:39 am
by tonyp
Answers to Nature Quiz:
Nature Under the Sea:
1.Which mammal is the largest creature in the sea? Blue Whale.
2.Which is the only fish with a prehensile tail? Seahorse.
3.How many appendages does a squid have? 10.
4.Are sea anemones plants or animals? Animals.
5.Which fish swallows water or air to turn itself into a spiky ball when threatened? Puffer fish, blowfish, porcupine fish.
6.Which European creature travels to the Sargasso sea to have babies? Eels.
7.The Sand dollar or galleta de mar often found on beaches is the remains of which sea creature? Sea Urchin.
8.Which is the largest fish in the world? Whale shark.
9.Which fish is able to use it’s fins like wings? Flying fish.
10.What is the largest invertebrate in the sea? Colossal Squid.