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Chi-kung workshops 16th, 18th, 23rd & 25th July

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:30 pm
by Martin the artist
Initiation workshop to chi-kung
Dates: 16,18, 23 and 25 July.
Schedule: from 20:30 h to 21:30 H.
Place: Replaceta of the rodeo caves.
Registrations at the city hall of rojales. Limited places.

What is chi-Kung?:
Millennial Art of Chinese origin that today is practiced all over the world for the benefit of health.
Your intention is to improve our energy by synchronizing body, mind and breathing with favorable results in our health and development of the inner force.
They are slow, simple and easy to learn movements.
It is valid for all ages, even people with some physical limitations. Every person makes their own pace.
It's standing up, it's just necessary to wear comfortable clothes.
Practiced regularly improves anxiety, insomnia, states of mind, pain globally health.

Organiza: City Hall
Imparte: José Antonio Rodriguez, doctor, practitioner of Taichi and chi kung for more than 15 years.