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Warning for Dona Pepa and others

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 11:25 am
by tonyhobbs
We live in Dona Pepa not far from Gamma, at about 10.45 am Saturday 28 May , a near neighbor elderly lives on his own, had 2 femails about 30 ish come to his door asking if he knew where Antonio ???.lives they thanked him with an embrace, 5 minutes later realized his wrist watch had gone, at least he still had his wallet. So warning to all, they are very clever.

Re: Warning for Dona Pepa and others

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 4:06 pm
by Redr0bb0
Thanks for the info. We are very near there

Re: Warning for Dona Pepa and others

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:15 am
by lance
I could do with a cuddle I will start wearing an old watch I bought from the looky looky man.

Re: Warning for Dona Pepa and others

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:43 am
by Lavender
We also live in that area and on a couple of occasions someone has opened our gate but immediately the dogs barked they did a bunk but left the gate wide open for the dogs to get out. The gate is a tall, solid one which does not blow open in the wind, so we now keep it locked at all times. This also deters unwanted "charity" collectors coming into the garden at will. So my advice is, get a lock on your gate and you can keep your distance if needed.

Re: Warning for Dona Pepa and others

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:13 am
by Jan
gitana wrote:We also live in that area and on a couple of occasions someone has opened our gate but immediately the dogs barked they did a bunk but left the gate wide open for the dogs to get out. The gate is a tall, solid one which does not blow open in the wind, so we now keep it locked at all times. This also deters unwanted "charity" collectors coming into the garden at will. So my advice is, get a lock on your gate and you can keep your distance if needed.


Always keep any gate locked, whatever size as even a small gate will need to be climbed over and it's then obvious that anyone climbing over a gate is up to no good. I always say it's easier to say 'No thank you' to anyone through a locked gate too and then just ignore them if they persist, they soon go away!

