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Solar grants

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:39 am
by Alboy
hello everyone
Has anyone had solar installed on their property and had grants for doing so and has it been a viable process?
Has it been a worthwhile job to have done ,saved money ,improved the value of your property , how does the system perform in winter / summer .
We are thinking of having it installed we are in our sixties and want to get our money back ASAP IIS the info they show you about recouping your money correct or on the optimistic side

Re: Solar grants

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:21 am
by alanjames
I have only recently had solar energy fitted so I can´t tell you how much I am saving on electricity, as I have not had my Iberdrola bill since the installation. However, when you have the solar system installed you get an app which tells you on a daily basis, how much you are generating and how much you are using. When you are not using all that you generate this goes back to the grid and you get paid for this. The app is at live time so it shows you the current situation as well as the history. I only installed the panels and the inverter, due to the price I decided not to buy any batteries, which are used to store energy to use when you are not generating eg at night.I think what I give back to the grid will cover what I will need to buy at night. I will monitor this before I make the decision regarding the battery. I am now just starting the process to apply for the grant to recoup a major slice of the investment and also I have a meeting with SUMA as I think in the first year you get 50% off your SUMA. As you know there are a significant number of solar suppliers who not only install they also assist you with the paperwork to apply for the grants. Solar energy is a long term decision but with the grants and the ever rising electric costs plus future electric cars , it is positive decision. It also adds value to your property and if you are thining of selling, it makes your property more attractive. Sorry I can´t give you any more information, good luck with your solar project

Re: Solar grants

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:59 pm
by Alboy
Thanks for your information didn’t know about the suma the co I am dealing with are going to apply for permissions etc . I will email and ask about that .