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PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:54 am
by Mart 63
Took my parents out on Thursday night for a nice meal, to the Argentina steak House. We got back to their house around 10, to find they had been burgled. They took gold chains, a full Pandora bracelet, ipads and phone. Not a nice experience, to get back to. They live on Marquesa ave, in the white quads.

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:46 am
by Chrisdee
Sorry to hear that, not nice at all. How did they gain entry and did you have an alarm. Hope they haven't created too much mess that needs sorting

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:50 am
by Mart 63
No alarm, through patio doors. No mess, they even shut patio door and curtain when they left. They took time to take pendants off gold chains, which were worth more than the chains.

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:58 am
by Chrisdee
I've lived here 20 years and the thought of that happening has always worried me, that's why I've sold my jewellery or most of it anyway. My thinking was I'd rather have the money than some lowlife. I like to think if you have an alarm and next door have not they would go next door. I know they break-in to houses with alarms and bars up windows but you have to make it as hard as you can for them to get in. There are locks you can buy very cheaply for windows around 10 euros each that stop windows being opened and taken out and ones for patio doors, it's a bit like closing the gate once the horse has bolted but it may prevent it happening again. It's a pain when you are going out and you've got to close all windows and lock up but its worth it. Hope you get sorted and don't dwell on it too much and carry on having a good life.

Mart 63 wrote:No alarm, through patio doors. No mess, they even shut patio door and curtain when they left. They took time to take pendants off gold chains, which were worth more than the chains.

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:10 am
by Bee
Sorry to hear about your break-in. Sad thing is those that robbed them probably live near them. The patio doors are the usual entry point. They don't have to break anything or make noise. As Chrisdee says a simple €10 bolt that fixes to the bottom of the doors and stops them being moved is usually enough to make the robbers go elsewhere.


Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:18 am
by Mart 63
Thanks, yes have put the window bolts on for them now, and have also put them on my villa. We have dogs, so I hope they are a bit of a deterrent.

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:58 am
by Mac3blade
Horrible to read of a burglary and I hope it never happens to me.
I trust your parents had their home contents insured so that in itself is something. Search out photos of as many jewellery items as you can and post them online and leave copies in the jewellery shops that buy second hand gold/ silver. Make it difficult for the thieves. Hateful people. I hope they get caught.

Re: Burglary

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:44 pm
by Bee
Yes Mart63 plenty of noise, bright light and a live electric cable.
