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Tabletop Wargaming Club

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:31 pm
by Hazard66
Welcome to the world of Miniature Wargaming. Imagine model railways having a meeting with chess in Las Vegas!
Games are played on a tabletop that is strewn with scale roads, trees and houses, hence the model railway reference. The games have rules that govern every aspect and have preset victory conditions, this is the chess aspect. Finally everything is decided with the role of the dice which is where Las Vegas comes in.

Matches can be between forces of just 6 figures-a-side all the way up to grand battles involving hundreds of miniatures. Games are typically played in one of three main genres:
Historical – From Ancient Greece through Vikings, Romans to Saving Private Ryan.
Sci-Fi – Be it piloting an X-Wing against the Empire or trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic nightmare.
Fantasy – Are you ready to lead an army of Dwarves against rampaging Orcs or combat mythological horrors from the Orient.

Miniature Wargaming is a multi-faceted hobby involving model making and painting, strategic thinking to select the optimal elements for your army, tactics to implement and adapt your plans as the game unfolds and finally social skills as you learn to win and lose with grace and humour.

If you are a current player, someone who used to play and are now looking to get back into the hobby or you have never played before but are thinking about starting a new hobby feel free to get in touch with us. We are active in the Almoradi/Rojales area.

We are also happy to hear from any clubs and societies that would like to arrange a talk about Tabletop Wargaming from one of our members.